Batch Eight: Holding the High Ground

Final Bachelor Project "Photoshop Composing in relation to Cosplay"

Die Transportbotschafter e.V.

Work from my practical semester as a photographer & graphic designer (later as a working student) for the association "Die Transportbotschafter e.V.".


Kolomolo is an Online-Webshop with focus on clothing for nerds & geeks. Made in the 7th semester as a free project & in UX-Design


Whatspot is an App for aviation enthusiasts, more precisely "Planespotters". Created in the 7th semester as a free project

Koch dich Bunt!

A small cook book, created in the 2nd semester in Desktop-Publishing (DTP)

Schach Porz

Redesign and corporate identity of an chess club. Created in the 2nd semester in Typography


Caton is a brand which offers modern designed boxes for cats. Created in the 3rd Semester in Corportate Design

Monsieur Fritz Snack Bar

Logo and menu creation of a new snack bar. Created in the 1st semester in Typography

Texta Font booklet

A booklet of the Latinotype font "Texta", created in the 1st semester in Typography

Who Will Win? You Decide!

Who Will Win? You Decide! (WWWYD) is a ficitional exhibition where you can decide which movie poster should win; The original or the reboot/remake. Created in the 3rd semester in Graphic Design

Structures Study

Created in the 2nd semester in Design studies


Logotype and Banner for the event series Unermuedlich

Das Roter Winter Protokoll

Promo image for the book "Das Roter Winter Protokoll"


Event posters for Lalelu

Robin Knaak

Logotype and Coverart for Robin Knaak